Turning Back the Hands of Time on My birthday

Today marks another trip around the sun for me, and I find myself in a reflective mood. The transformation I've undergone both physically and mentally is nothing short of astounding, and I owe so much of it to Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT).

Rewind to a few years ago, I was wading through a murky haze of fatigue, weight gain, and an unbearable fog that clouded my brain. The numbers on the scale seemed to be going in the wrong direction, and a haunting revelation from a doctor: I was on the brink of being diabetic.

But here I stand today, having shed over 50 pounds off my body. The journey wasn't just about weight loss, but a complete metamorphosis. Now, instead of fat, Iā€™m working on building muscle. Energy courses through my veins, and my confidence stands tall. My cholesterol? In impeccable shape. And that specter of diabetes that once loomed over me? Nowhere in sight. It's safe to say I'm in the best shape of my adult life, and the horizon only seems to be getting brighter.

This transformation has instilled in me a clear message that I desperately want to impart to our clients and followers: Recognize the boundaries, but more importantly, recognize the endless possibilities.

There are certain things I've come to terms with - things I can't change or won't engage in. For example, I won't walk the path of diabetes, heart disease won't pen my ending, and the ravages of Alzheimer's will remain a distant shadow. There's no reverse gear in life, but oh, the paths we can take moving forward!

Here's my birthday wish for each one of you: Realize what you CAN do. You have the power to make choices that favor your health. It could be as simple as swapping that sugary donut for a protein-rich snack, ensuring you stick to your workout regime (starting with daily walks is a great idea!), or even making healthier drink choices when you're out on the town.

And for those sweet temptations that whisper seductively from the cookie jar? Remember, you have the strength to say 'no'. Carbs might be comforting, but reducing them is so rewarding.

So, as I celebrate another year of life, richer in health and experience, I urge you to harness your 'CAN' power. Because when you do, the future is truly limitless. šŸŽ‰šŸŽˆJason...aka Dr. De Leon


Knock down your cholesterol with BHRT


Insulin Resistance the kidney and its mitochondria