Exciting News: The Pellets Are Coming!

Hello to our dedicated followers and cherished clients,

We have some thrilling news to share with you all! Rita and I are currently engaged in an in-depth training session with Evexias Health Solutions, diving deep into the world of Hormone Pelleting. By early September, we're delighted to announce that we'll be adding this innovative method to our array of services!

Why Consider Hormone Pelleting?

  1. Sustained Release: Pellets are designed to slowly release hormones into the bloodstream, ensuring a steady state for several months. This means fewer ups and downs that can sometimes be experienced with other methods.

  2. Customized Dosing: Each pellet is tailored to meet the unique hormonal needs of the individual, ensuring that you receive just the right amount.

  3. Less Frequent Dosing: Forget about daily or weekly dosages. With hormone pelleting, you only need to think about it every few months.

  4. Natural: Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) pellets are derived from natural sources, making them an excellent fit for those who prefer a more organic approach to health.

  5. Minimal Side Effects: With a more constant release and natural formulation, many patients find that they experience fewer side effects compared to other hormone replacement methods.

We believe in offering the best to our clients, and we're excited about the immense potential and benefits that Hormone Pelleting promises. For those of you who have been curious about alternative delivery methods or seeking a change, this might be the opportunity you've been waiting for.

Stay tuned for more details in the coming days, and don't hesitate to reach out with questions or to express your interest.

Here's to innovation, growth, and always striving for better!

Warm regards,

Jason & Rita...aka Dr. De Leon and Dr. Gillespie


Anti-thrombotic & Endothelial Function.


Hormone Therapy: Impact on Heart and Vasculature