Anti-thrombotic & Endothelial Function.

In recent years, the protective benefits of androgens on the cardiovascular system have garnered significant interest. The term "androgen" might bring to mind the hormone testosterone and its association with male physiological functions. Yet, its implications stretch beyond that. Dive into the fascinating world of androgens and discover how they impact endothelial function and, by extension, the heart.

1. Androgens and the Endothelial Boost

At the crux of the vascular system lies the endothelium, a thin layer of cells that lines the interior surface of blood vessels. The health and efficiency of these endothelial cells (ECs) are paramount to cardiovascular function. Enter androgens. These hormones, primarily testosterone, play a crucial role in bolstering endothelial health in the following ways:

  • Induction of Nitric Oxide Production: Nitric oxide is a molecule that relaxes the blood vessels, facilitating improved blood flow and reducing blood pressure. Androgens stimulate its production, ensuring the blood vessels remain supple and well-functioning.

  • Promotion of EC Growth and Mobility: ECs, like any cells, require growth and the ability to move. Androgens promote the proliferation, motility, and overall growth of ECs. This aids in the repair and regeneration of damaged vascular tissues.

2. The Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Thrombotic Properties of Androgens

Inflammation is often the silent instigator behind numerous diseases. It can compromise the integrity of blood vessels and elevate the risk of clot formation. The good news? Androgens act as knights in shining armor:

  • Reduction of Inflammatory Responses: In ECs, androgens counteract inflammatory activation. This not only maintains the health of the endothelium but also shields the entire cardiovascular system from the adverse effects of prolonged inflammation.

  • Inhibition of Procoagulant and Adhesive Properties: Clot formation or thrombosis can lead to life-threatening conditions such as strokes or heart attacks. Androgens reduce the sticky, adhesive nature of ECs, which can prevent the formation of these dangerous clots.

  • Cardioprotective Functions: With their anti-thrombotic properties, androgens inherently act as protectors of the heart. They ensure the free flow of blood, reducing the chance of blockages or vessel constrictions.

3. Debunking the Myth: Testosterone and Clotting

There's a prevalent myth that testosterone, a primary androgen, elevates clotting risk. Contrary to this belief, studies have illustrated that testosterone does not heighten the risk of clot formation. On the contrary, its benefits on the endothelium and anti-thrombotic properties emphasize its role as a protector rather than a threat.


The intricate dance between androgens and the endothelium highlights the importance of these hormones in cardiovascular health. As we continue to unravel the myriad ways hormones influence our body, it's evident that androgens play a pivotal role not just in defining male characteristics but also in ensuring the robust health of our vascular system. Understanding their full scope can pave the way for new therapeutic interventions and better cardiovascular health for all.

Chistiakov, DA., et. al. 2018. Role of androgens in cardiovascular pathology. Cascular health and risk management, 14. 283.

This is exactly why we find ourselves in this space screaming from the rooftops that there's another way. Reach out, we WANT to help you understand how we can help make things better for you from the inside out. Jason & Rita...aka Dr. De Leon and Dr. Gillespie.


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