Obesity-Associated Neurodegeneration Pattern

Obesity-Associated Neurodegeneration Pattern Mimics Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) in an Observational Cohort Study.

Excess weight in adulthood leads to health complications such as diabetes, hypertension, or dyslipidemia. Recently, excess weight has also been related to brain atrophy and cognitive decline. Reports show that obesity is linked with Alzheimer’s disease (AD)-related changes, such as cerebrovascular damage or amyloid- accumulation.  This study looked at more than 1300 individuals and formed 4 groups and compared AD patients, healthy controls, obese otherwise healthy individuals, and lean individuals.  Research confirms that obesity-related grey matter atrophy resembles that of AD. Excess weight management could lead to improved health outcomes, slow down cognitive decline in aging, and lower the risk for AD.

Morys, F. et. al. 2023. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 91 (2023) 1059–1071.

It has never been more important to get control of your weight and health to help prevent the mental decline seen with Alzheimer’s disease.  BHRT can help reduce this known risk by improving one’s underlying metabolic status.

Jason & Rita.


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