Sleep is Paramount

From our perspective, sleep is paramount for mental and physical health.  As trained emergency physicians we understand that sometimes a set schedule simply isn’t possible.  We often find ourselves flip flopping our sleep patterns given that an emergency department must be covered 24-7.  When we were introduced to “micronized” melatonin, we realized that it simply was in a different class than the melatonin available at your local store.  Essentially, it was the difference between a medication that worked and one that promised to work.  That being said, we also understand that some people do not tolerate this medication well secondary to odd dreams and potential anxiety.  Huberman (a great scientific mind becoming a household name given his credentials, scientific knowledge, and popular following) recently covered some additional options that may benefit those who can’t tolerate melatonin.  These include Magnesium threonate, theanine, and apigenin which can be taken separately but when taken together seem to have a synergistic effect in getting someone to sleep and allowing for rest without a resulting “sleep hangover.  Given how important sleep is for muscle recovery and one’s mental health, these are worth consideration.  We will review these supplements in greater detail in the future.

Jason & Rita


Visceral Fat.

