Bio-Identical Hormones

Bioidentical hormones are hormones that are natural to one’s body.  The bioidentical hormone is either extracted from plants or synthetically manufactured. 

What is most important is that the end product is identical to the hormone molecule that is found naturally in our bodies.  Bioidentical hormones are created by pharmacies known as compounding pharmacies.

  They are similar to the old fashioned idea of a pharmacist with a mortar and pestle.  The compounding pharmacist is able to compound the hormone into a specific form and concentration making the prescription personalized for each patient.

Rouzier, N. 2007. How to Achieve Healthy Aging.  

At D&G Optimized Wellness, we believe that true health encompasses harmony in both body and mind. That's why we're proud to specialize in BHRT (Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy), a personalized approach to optimize hormonal balance and unlock your full vitality! Experience the transformative power of Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy with D&G Optimized Wellness. Embrace healthy aging with personalized solutions tailored just for you. Discover a new vitality and vigor. Reach out today to unlock the secrets to a vibrant life. Let us guide you on the path to rejuvenation and wellness. Your journey begins now.


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